Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Cora's Vaccination Day 2024

 It is hard to believe I have been here long enough to have to get revaccinated...but here we are.  Ok technically I am 3.5 weeks early...however momma wanted to have our vax days in our birthday month for easy remembering....cause ya know shes getting old and stuff is hard to remember.  Anyhoo....We have arrived.

I was excited to go.  I hopped in mommas lap to get leashed.

aww cute frenchie....wonder if he wants to throw paws?

*Sniff* *Sniff*

momma pwease don't make me get a pokie!

*pants in nervous*

pwease mother


i begs you!

Tech Walks in and calls out "Cora"

AHHH!  I nearly strangled myself

Momma I don't want this moment documented.  I am embarrassed, scared and anxious.  Mother i said stop it!  momma was busy talking to the tech about my diet, my vaccinations needed, and if I am doing alright.  Moments later I was whisked to the back to be stabbed in the neck.  The tech said it was for a heartworm test and yearly bloodwork...but just seems a little mean.

Meanwhile Poppy was having fun in the room without me.

Checking the smells left behind by the previous patients.

Ooh yorkie!!!

Interesting cat....likely dlh


Ok momma Im done.

I hear foot steps.

The door handle jiggled.

Cora was returned safely.  Albeit a little scared...



...but mostly sad.

While we waited for the dogtor momma made an attempt to get an exam table shot. Yea lets say sissy wasn't having it.

She protested.

She side eyed!

She even tried crying her way out of it.

Then we heard foot steps by the door

Then in a last ditch effort to make momma go away she did *RaSpBeRrIeS*

Momma I wasn't this bad when I was little was I?  I don't think I was ever this bad.

Stop it sissy....I got the anxieties.

After some time we did get this shot....

....and the winner...I mean no ears up or anything but it will have to do.  

Dr. Lehman came in said my heartworm test was negative, my bloodwork was getting processed to be sent out to the lab, she checked me over, administered my vaccines and said I am healthy as a horse.  Momma does need to  watch my weight.  Im currently at a good weight for my size but with as healthy of an eater as I am I could get into the piglet zone.  But I am pink...have coarse back hair and snort from time to time so......i could just embrace it.

Can we go homes now momma.


Yes momma lets go so she will stop whinning.


For my bavery badge?

I already have one.

I don't need 2.

Lets go!

Is it time to go yet?

Crabapples!  That tech opened that door and flew in here like a bat!  

Oh this is my new certificate and bravery badge.  It lasts for 3 whole years?  No more pokies for 3 whole years!!!!  ok.

Cute...adorable...stylish even...

Can we go now?


Mother I am getting furry enraged right now.


We made it to the lobby.  Thats progress.

We have to pay?  When will this be over?

Oh they are already done? Cool Beans!

Once in the safety of the car...I let out a big scream....

For two reasons actually.  Letting go of the anxities/frustrations.  But also SH....umm...lets make a whole post just about that.  Cliff hanger time!


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