Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Updates on the Day Care Closure and My Eye

We just passed week three are currently now are on week 4 of the Day Care Closure of 2019.  There was a mishap concerning the gate and a pee pad.  Heres how it all went down.  I met momma at the door one afternoon.  Momma you're home, I love you so much!  Really I do love you, like a lot.

If you promise not to get mad I will gives you kisses, lots and lots of kisses!

Yea, some how this pee pad just up and shredded, as I was trying to stop it, it just shredded more.  Don't know how!

Once momma was done seeing that she saw that Poppy was standing on da wrong side of the gate.  Just wagging her flag tail left and right.  She didn't get a pic of that.  It was just all too much for momma.  BOL she had to go sit on the couch and do some counting exercises.  She count all da way to hundred fifty two.  Then she laughed.  Thinking of the fun we had and at least its a pee pad (a clean on at that) and not the blinds again. 

To try and help keep us entertained she is going to bring out the kongs and see if I might like them as well as Poppy.  She got a new filler CHEESE and we are using our favorite crunchy treats.  Momma says she can't believe she hadn't thought of this sooner. 

Last but not least my eye is getting better.  It is not as red or as itchy.  The medicines were hard to take but at least they helped and are froo now. 

Lucy da Shredder!


  1. We did not know that pee pads could just spread like that!

  2. It's skeery when beds and toys and pee pads just explode out of nowhere! Your momma should just be thankful you weren't hurt.
