Thursday, October 10, 2024

Comfy with Mr Mister

 Well um...this happened.  Mr Mister came over and well I kinda got comfy and a bit sillies with hims.  

See no tension or pulling away.

Then he started scritching me.

om nom nom! Love nibbles


No Momma

 I wasn't on the table looking at your food.  


What was that I hear?

Mother was that the food bucket?

Yes!  Oh boy!

Is it readys yet?


Kennel Cam Dump



The Song of My People



Chicken Legs



Odd Ends

 Mr Mister has been coming over more frequently.  Mommas been asking and I have been good going in my kennel when he gets here nad not being a heathen.  He sat down and was gonna take my picture and I went to sniff his hand and well this photo.  

While momma and Mr Mister were yappng about things I found this fun thing in his bag.  Angel Lucy taught me to go through purses/sacks/bags there are fun things in them.  Apparently momma didn't think this was fun thing and took it away and took a photo for evidence.  rude.

Miss Ellie greet momma every morning and evening.  

I have found a liking for the ottoman.  Instead of spending all my time in my kennel I chew my chew chew up here on the blankie.

And when at Doggy Nannys we nap!


Baff and Spooky Cute PJs

 Momma said I was stinkies after playing out at Doggy Nannys.  I think I was smelling quite nice.  But whatevers can't argue wif the mommas.  Hairstyle one...


Post baff nap.

Then momma pulled these out of the walmart grocery order.

Spooky Pink Jam Jams!

So comfy....time to go back to night night land.


Best Spooky Decorations EVER

 We were out driving, squirrel hunting, and guess what we found.

OH MY DOG!  Its a skeleton dog with spooky leash/collar and a 9 foot skeleton dog walker.  
