Friday, January 31, 2020

Car Wash Time

When she got her oil changed she received 2 free car wash passes.  We thought about it and discovered that the Murano Mobile hasn't been washed since March of 2017 almost 3 years.  It was washed last back in KY the day I got my first furcut.  Thats a long time to go without a washing.  Tsk Tsk Momma.  You would think with as much as she washes us she would wash her car the same...NOPE!    So we are gonna clean the MM up and get her feeling tip top!

Um momma....why are we not getting out of the car?  If we go in the tunnel we are sure to get WET!!!!!!!!!!

OH NO Here comes the SOAP!!!!  Duck Poppy DUCK!

Oh my thats a big scrub brush.

And they are hitting the car furry hard.

More soap?

Yea the car definitely needed a second soaping.

Ahh the rinse.  We can see again.

Oh my what on earth is that noise?

Mega dryers.  Look the water is just being whisked right off.

Cool...but kinda suspicious.  Pop do you agree.  Yes Lucy furry suspicious!

Thanks All American!  Our MM looks brand new.

Lucy and Poppy

Thursday, January 30, 2020

BTS of Photo Shoot Day

It begins wif baffs.   We had to get wet, soap-ed and conditioned.  Its a long tortuous 8 minute task.  I got cuddled up  post baff and my hair air dried like this.  #MessyHairDontCare

Meanwhile momma pulled out all the "accessories" needed for photos.  Collars, leashes, certificates and products.

Once at our shoot location momma strips us of unneeded things like our house collars and sweaters.

Pulls out the comb and treats.

And relays in what order we are doing our photos.

I try and listen but mostly I think abouts the treats I am about to recieve.  I am licking my lips cause she brought the liver treats this time!  Yum Yum!

Once done we pack it all up, put on our house collars and head out.  All in a days work.

Lucy and Poppy

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Send a Little Cheer - AKC's Pup Pals Program

Momma is furiends with Mrs. Caroline, the AKC judge from my first scent work trial, and she shared a link to the AKC Pup Pals program.  Here is the official statement from the AKC:

"Do you know of a child that needs cheering up? AKC Education knows the power that canines have to bring joy and comfort to people.  The AKC PupPals Program seeks to provide children with a note from a canine friend just when they need it most."

 I love making people happy so when we read what this program does I knew I had to pawticipate.  Per the website any dog of any breed/age can join and can fill out the form located here.  They ask for your dogs basic info like name and breed.  As well as 3 facts about your dog (like favorite snack or favorite activity).  I got mine in right away and hope it will bring joy to someone or someones!   

Me too Lucy Me Too!

A couple of days later we got a surprise in the mail.  It was a bandanna and certificate of participation in the program.  Thank You AKC!  These will go right in our binders.  

For our official hastag photos we posed here.

Lucy you make this look so easy.  I think I have it....almost there...


May I has treats now? Modeling is exhausting!!!

Lucy and Poppy

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

I Won Again!!!! (Embark DNA Test Package Opening and Swab)

First my NTD, then the lottery now an EMBARK test!  2020 is my year fur sure!!!!

I won an Embark test. And by golly it arrived here lick-ity split.  Get it lick-ity....BOL BOL BOL!!!!

Here is everything that came in my package. Swab, instructions, and secure mailer.

I can't wait to see if the results from Embark match my original DNA test from Wisdom Panel.  Or will it reveal I am part gremlin, house rat, and greyhound?!?!?!?

Alright I remember dis from last time.  I am ready for my swab momma.

Not as bad as last time.  Momma got it all sealed up, shaken up and repackaged.

Now lets get this mailed off.

Can't wait to get my results.


Monday, January 27, 2020

A Pearls and Rhinestone Kind Of Day

Sometimes you just wanna feel fancy and put on your rhinestones and pearls.


Sunday, January 26, 2020

Poppy Wake Up Call

Momma likes to sleep in on weekends.  I do to but once I see her check her phone I know its time to get the day started I "pop" outta the covers, bound up on her pillow to do my pterodactyl yawn and then speed kisses.  Momma got these adorable photos of my happiness to share.  Enjoy!

Time to go!


Friday, January 24, 2020

An Amazing Article - CAW Detective Dog

Check out this article:

Momma brought home a copy for me and wow its amazing!  From Puppy Prison Training Program to working for CAW using her sniffer to detect water leaks.  She must be living the dream.  Be sure to check out this cutie on Facebook and Instagram "CAW Detective Dog".  She posts some pawsome content.


Thursday, January 23, 2020

Cold Lunch Date and A Furcut

I just love getting whisked away at lunch time for a little one on one time wif momma before going to visit my favorite groomers at Margots.

But first lunch!

Lunch was great.  We have arrived at our final destination.

Leashed up and ready to go.

Activate speedy poodle leggies!

Hi fren!  Long time no see!

5 pm rolled around and momma arrived to pick me up.

When she came into the shop I wasn't quite ready.  Miss Pat was helping groom this big boy.

Isn't he dreamy?!?!?  Can you spot me?  Hint: I am on the left above the cookie jar.

So Miss Pat could finish my cut without me acting like a wild banshee  intruption, momma went back to the MM to wait for me.  I am ready now here I come momma!!!!!

New Fur cut modeling!  Got that texas sized top knot, ears and bracelets!  I feel FABULOUS.

Alright lets go get Poppy...I have sure missed her!
