Sunday, May 31, 2020

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Sweet But Psycho

Momma says the song describes me well so I found a collar to match.  


Friday, May 29, 2020

Back Yard Race With Uncle Teddy

Upon hitting the back yard I went into greyhound mode!

Uncle Teddy decided to join me!

He is quite the little athelete!

Coming in to the safe zone for a break....

Just kidding!  Another round!!!!!

Uncle Teddy we simply must do this again and soon!


Thursday, May 28, 2020

Margot's Has REOPENED!

(5-16-2020) It's a blessing that Margot's Grooming has finally reopened.  They are in a building right behind their old building. I haven't minded the home haircuts too much but my topknot, bracelets and ears are getting out of control and we must leave these to the professionals!

Miss Pat is still doing the corona protocol for dropoffs and pickups.  When we arrived we honk to let them know we arrived. 

 Lucy was disrobed....

and whisked away.

Its always sad leaving sissy on grooming days.  

*Internet Time Travel* 

Its time to pick Lucy up!!!!!

Hey guys here is my official transformation:

Before grooming.

After grooming.

And would ya look at this....Miss Pat uncovered my tosies!

I think we best head towards home....

...I am furry sweepy and hungry.

Onward home momma!

Lucy and Poppy

BTW this already went out on ig but here is the #beautymode tiktok I made on grooming day.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Happy Hippie - Last Day Before Grooming

With corona and the fire at Margots my fur was so long momma started calling me a hippie.  My topknot lost the fight to stand up and parted in the middle.  But now in less than 24 hours I will be at the groomer getting my first professional furcut in over 2 months.  

Im smiling ear to ear!  Cant wait to see my friends!

We have learned a lot of lessons with this whole pandemic situation.  

Home hair cuts aren't a "fun" activity but with patience from both me and momma we learned that this task is do-able for us.  

And we learned how much we rely on members of our community who provide essential services.  To those essential workers (in the hooman and animal world) we give a huge paws up and say Thank You for dedication.

To see just how big my bracelets had gotten momma did a full brush out.  (this pic was taken at 9.5 weeks grow out)


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Weekend of TikTok

DNA Test - Lucy 

DNA Test - Poppy

Outdoor Feet

Oh No People.  This has been our most viewed tiktok with over 1300!!!!!

Don't Do It Ross Haul

Just a dashboard gremlin riding in Texas.

Last but not least "Who Do You Think You Are Squirrel?"

Ya Gotta Improvise

When momma puts junk on your trick stool sometimes ya gotta improvise.  And excuse the mess of boxes in the back...those are my handler discrimination boxes.  We have been working furry hard on that element.  


Monday, May 25, 2020

The Lazy Dashboard Gremlin

I was in line for my Sunday toquito and I felt furry sweepy!


Oh the line moved.

Yes momma I am watching.


Im up!

I smell the toquito!


Sleepy Smooches,

Sunday, May 24, 2020

I May Be Professional But....

I can still get distracted easily.  Distraction in 3...2...1...


Once the distraction is gone....I am right back to my professional modeling.

Yes momma you have my full attention.  Treats please!!!!


Saturday, May 23, 2020

Lucy Doing A Classic Lucy

We were just sitting on Doggy Nanny's couch when I looked over and.....

....I see Lucy doing this.  Yep thats a classic Lucy.

Poppy and Lucy

Friday, May 22, 2020

6 TIKTOKS In One Day

Momma surprised us and came home early one day.  To celebrate we filled, edited and uploaded 6 tiktoks.  Enjoy!

Lucy and Poppy


We have been practicing our sister photos.

Yet they all can't be winners.

Momma says I look like a clown.

  I just need a red balloon and a storm drain to go with my smile.

Boy its getting hot out here.

And I'm awful tired!  Are we done yet?

Lucy and Poppy