Monday, May 11, 2020

Corona Home Furcut

(5-2-2020) With Margot's still closed and every other groomer booked with other puppies getting their fur cut, post corona shutdown, momma had to make the tough decision.

It was time to do a home furcut for me. The weekend she decided to groom me the temps were going to be in the 90's and the following week we were forecast to hit 101.  It had to be done.  Here is the proposed cut.  The "jacket and pants" the one in the center of the diagram.

My before picture at 8 weeks post professional groom.

Momma gathered all the necessary supplies from the cabinet.

We have clippers, nail dremel, sharp scissors and a metal comb.

Clipper meet fur.

I can already feel the cool air hitting my back.

Look at the vast difference.  My shaved neck against 8 weeks of fur growth on my shoulder.

The rough-in coming along nicely.

Almost done......just a few stray pieces to snip away.  Momma left my bracelets, topknot and ears alone.  She didn't want to mess them up.

All clean and air drying whats left of my curls.  Momma said she didn't want to fight me with the hair dryer again.  Very well she learned her lesson.

Just as momma was putting the tools away in walked another grooming client.  (If I am honest it was more of a dog-napping situation.  Poppy was lured over with treats and snatched right up.)  Here was her response at getting a little trim and paw-ti-cure.

Here is the tiktok we made of grooming.

Last but not least the final results.  Pawsonally I think I look fabulous...for a home furcut.

In related news I have an appointment coming up in just 2 weeks (from the time these photos were taken) with MISS PAT.  Thats right Margots is RE-OPENING!  I can't wait to see my friends again!

Lucy and Poppy


  1. You look better than my Aunt Gracie after Grandma cut her furs, but it's a good thing your groomer is re-opening!
