Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Trip To Lawton P.3 (Meeting My Birth Mom)

In a strange turn of events on the way to see mommas family we got a message from my previous owner that  could do a short meet and greet with my original birth mom.  Seems mommas been trying to set this up for some time and well the stars (Angel Lucy...I think had her paw in this) aligned and we got it set up.  Fun fact my original home is 2.9 miles from Uncle and Aunt Wings house.  What are the odds???


Quick sniff.

Short white hair, feathered paws, and spotted skin you are in fact my momma.

Look at her pretty dress!  

Father help!  This puppy of mine is annoying me.  

I sorry mom.

Ok one photo then release me please.

Efurry one meet Princess my birth mom.

Oh my dog can you believe our tongues hang out of the same side.  True fact!

It was neat to see her again.  Kind of sad to say bye.  But momma said holding her was so weird.  It was like she was holding me but also not me at the same time.  Some things are once in a lifetime events.  

Now the real reason for we went to Lawton will be blogged tomorrow.  Wing Family reunion.


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