Sunday, July 9, 2017

Oh Deer!

 The deer around our neck of the woods seem to be teasing momma.  Everytime she brings the camera out, no deer.  When she only has her phone they appear by the dozens.  It tickles me!  BOL!  But even with a limited zoom of a camera phone she managed to catch this momma deer coming out of the field across the street. 

 Doggy Nanny and Grandpa have spotted her multiple times during the day and sometimes she even has her baby with her.  Momma has notyet to seen the baby.  Poor momma if you would just go to daycare wif me instead of workies you could see the baby! 

But then momma starts babbling about green papers, and the rising cost of everything. 

Puppy Growls,


  1. Ahhhhhh Lucy you have a baby deer and its Mom that is quite special
    Hugs madi your bfff

  2. Sometimes the camera scares away all the good ones!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  3. They are so beautiful and graceful!
