Hi momma!
This gray and white cheetah print blankie is my favorite to nest in. Its big, warm, soft and comfy!
Yes thats the milk jug bait momma left out for cora....sisfurs....what can ya do!
So every now and then a little fly slips in the house and well this one slipped in the house and into my kennel. I kinda made momma nervous just sitting in front of my kennel staring at the wall.
When momma found the milk carton in my crate she kept asking...how...how did lil ol me get this big ol milk jug in the crate....how did you get it out of the garbage....just how! Well she baited me and left an empty jug on the bed.....and well I couldn't help myself and I went right for it.
She found this for only 1 milk bones. She said we had to have it. Um momma...no...we don't! I prefer to walk free.
*Not a Purse Pup*
Katie the momma here....So I want to preface this post....Lucy was a one in a million dog. She did things no other dog as ever done. She kept me guessing what she was going to do....what I would walk into find when I return from work. She was special. When she was nearing the end I swore I would never get another dog.......but ya know sometimes Lucy throws a curve ball and sends a little tiny faded red hairless pup in the form of Cora Jean into our lives to make sure we are still laughing and to keep us on our toes. Poppy has been playing with her more...they love chase in the yard. They "steal" each others chew chews. They bork up people in the parking lots together. There are so many little things that Lucy did that Cora does and I know those are signs from Lucy. I have never had a connection with a dog like Lucy....She holds a special place in my heart. That brings us todays post.....The why i get....stealing a milk jug and hauling it off to your lair is great fun. It gives me a giggle and makes me forget my worries for a moment while i sit and revel in what this tiny 5 lb dog has done. Like lucy coming into the living room acting like nothing was wrong with a plastic hanger around her neck....how...i see you had fun but how did you do this. Thats why dogs are such great companions. They give you a break from reality for a moment. You just get lost in this little heartbeat at your feet and its magical. So i present you the scene of the crime. This is a 52 oz fair life milk jug....its height and width wise the same size as cora. How did she get this either off the table or out of the trash and into her kennel.
Momma says I am just like Poppy and love to hoard toys and chew chews then plop down in the middle and play with them all.
It still makes me nervous when momma asks me to "come" and she has no treats....like why....you gonna dress me up or something? So if she hollers that and has no treats I hide here. She can't even see me...can you?
I first tried coy...