Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Poppy Protest

Typical Tuesday morning let out to do our business while momma gets ready for workies.

When momma called Cora came running. 

I protested coming in.  I just wanted to lay out and sun and have momma stay home and dote on me.  

She tried tempting me inside with treats. 

Nope I laid down and protested further.

Momma came outside and sat on the bench.  I thought I won so I came up to get a treat.

But she stood up and went inside and asked me to come inside with her.

I launched myself on the bench.

Then stared at the garage.  I wouldn't even look at momma.

She told me that was enough funny business, yanked me up...

...and tossed my lifeless body in the house.  :(

I moped all day and momma checked on me with the cameras through out the day.

Cora was content in her kennel.

And you can watch the whole thing live right here from our tiktok.


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