Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Post Vet Orders and Chew A Thon

Post vet visit I demanded mother make things right since I had to get two pokies today.

1st I would like a new bag of cet chews from Petsmart.

What else what else?

Think Cora Think!

Chic-Fil-A Bones!  

Moments later we arrived at Petmsart.  Mother ring them up!  Let them know we in Curbside #1 please.



Oh they smell scrumptious!

oh boy oh boy oh boy!

Next stop was chic-fil-a.

We ordered and I sat back and relaxed while we waited in line.

ooh ooh we next.



Sisfur its my vaccination day I should have gone firsts.

fank you momma.

Last stop the house.  I got my new chew chew and the rest is history.

Took a small break to chew in my kennel...

...through out the afternoon.

and back to the bed.


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