For our finale momma wanted to get a group photo of Josie, Douglas, Poppy and I. I was rolling around on the couch giggling at this. What was she thinking. Poppy and I are still practicing our sister she wants to double the dogs for one photo???
Heres how it went....
Once the hype calmed down and the other grown ups went back to talking we managed to get a 3 dog picture of Douglas wif us.
Post photo session Lucy and Douglas got a second wind and had one more play session.
I got up on the other end of the couch with Poppy and well...
We both fell asleep. Momma packed up, we said our good byes, hit the road....
...And slept the whole way home!
It was a much needed fun weekend. With the corona we haven't been out or socializing in months. Getting to run, play, sniff and romp with other doggies and hoomans was what we needed. Josie and Miss Ginny Thank you ever so much for inviting us! Again Happy Birthday!
Hope we can get together again soon and pawty!
Lucy and Poppy
I love how it went lol!