Sunday, August 13, 2017


So I was digging through my puppy bag the other day and came upon my carabiner of tags.  It has my Badge of Bravery (Rabies Tag) and Robot Puppy License (HomeAgain Microchip Tag).  Both of which have my unique number printed on them for quick reference.  Since I got registered PAL with the AKC I was thinking that when I go to an event it would be handy to have a tag with my registration number printed on it.  That way as I am filling out forms its right there on my bag.  Smart huh?!?!?!  Well that logic worked on momma and she gave me the credit card to go shopping.  I found the perfect tag from Lucky Pet and placed my order.  A few short days later it arrived.  Without further ado....

I chose the yellow star to match my registered name.  Twinkle Twinkle Lucy Star.  I must say its a lovely addition on my carabiner. 

Puppy Growls,


  1. Lucy you very own star in the color of the most happy yellow smiley faces and a very special number too.
    WTG sweet face
    Hugs madi your bfff

  2. That is smart Lucy and it's very YOU!

  3. Your registered name is wonderful! Love your tags!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  4. What a beautimous new tag, Lucy!! A star for a Star!!
    Jakey & Arty

  5. That's a smart idea! Your momma is lucky to have you around.
