Wednesday, January 9, 2019

A Wild Week Beginning Last Wednesday

Wow its sure been wild week.  It started wif us feeling pityful for our selfs last Wednesday morning.  See momma was actin strange.

She wanted to wear a it was more a big winter coat to work.  Yea its cold but she is the type to wear flip flops in snow on purpose.  So it scared us furry bad.  But she trudged on.  She says she wore her coat all day at work.  All her co-workers asked if she was ok.  She thought she was getting a sinus infection and just feeling a little yucky.  At lunch she went for a bite to eat and a quick errand.  Nothing out of the ordinary.  Then 2pm hit and she was feeling down right awful.  At 3 she thought she was going to toss milk bones.  Eek right at work and everything.  She turned the radio over to a coworker and just held her head in her hands and cried.  She came back around and felt ok to finish the day but on the way home them milk bones were getting tossed whether she like it or not.  She cried over her job.  Shes still on "new worker probation".  She feared missing work.  When Lucy and I got home we bounded over to her and she told us to stop.  We knew something wasn't right.  She was still crying and telling Doggy Nanny everything.

Doggy Nanny tried to make her feel better but nothing helped.  She got her a cold drink and some medication.  Then offered to keep us till momma felt better.  Lucy was excited at the possibility of a sleep over and accepted.

I knew one of us had to stay and make sure she was ok so I volunteered for nurse duty.  I slept in momma's arms to make sure she felt ok for the 5 days she was in bed sick with this virus.

This was our view for 5 days straight.  An iPad to see what day it was and miles of medicines.

As she was getting better she had a follow up wif her dogtor and got return to work papers.  It made her nervous to leave the comfort of the bed but she was ready to get back to her radio.

Momma reports her first day back went well.  After work she picked me up from home and we went to retrieve sisfur Lucy.  Once again we were reunited.  We did bitey face, steal the chew chew and yapped furiously at  BB1 and BB2.  It was a grand evening!

As this post goes up she is heading in for her 2nd day of work.  Wish her good vibes please.

Nurse Poppy


  1. Oh dawg, your poor momma! It's never fun missing that much work in a row, and especially nerve-wracking when you're new! We're glad she's feeling better now.

  2. We are so sorry your mom was so sick. Our peeps have been taking turns (never have tossed their milk ones). There are some nasty virus' out there. We hope your mom's work is understanding that she was very ill. POTP for a full recovery soon!
