Furiends we had a little accident on Sunday April 28th. Going to preface this post with Poppy is fully ok...shes been checked by the vet and no broken bones, internal bleeding or long lasting damage. Praise GOD!
We went driving out Sunday evening in the Fountain Park area of Wichita Falls. Momma likes to sightsee, learn the roads and she says its relaxing. We like counting squirrels, hoomans, dogs and bunnies. Here is what the State Farm app shows was our full driving route.
All was good. We sniffed the air, borked at passersby, and saw lots of squirrels. Momma only lets the window down for us to sniff when we are in quiet neighborhoods and she is going super slow. We were going around down Chelsea Drive when...
...we came into a big unexpected double (?) cul-de-sac (we though it was just a curve but it dipped back further than expected).

Poppy was leaning out sniffing and momma saw the whole thing happen in her side view mirror. Poppy tumbled out of the window landing on her chin/front leg.
She stood up limping on 3 legs and crying. Momma hopped out of the car to get her. Poppy had gone around the car and momma couldn't see her. A mysterious voice from behind her said "shes on this side" "is this your dog?". Momma replied "yes she fell". The young man asked if we needed anything, momma kept replying no we are fine. The last thing the man said was "ma'am there is another little dog behind you is that one yours too?". Yea momma did not shut her door when she got out to get Poppy and I hopped out to check on sissy.

Momma picked Poppy up, came around the car, scooped me up and we loaded up. She put some clothes down from the laundry basket for her to lay on. Poppy just kept licking her left front leg that had a big scrape on it probably 2 inches long. Momma kept petting her telling her it was going to be ok and Poppy would look up from time to time and her head was doing this funny bobbing thing and her eyes looked weird like she couldn't focus them. Momma was worried it was something neurological like maybe she hit her head. At this point momma was crying and trying to call Doggy Nanny. When she finally reached her all she could say was "poppys hurt and its all my fault". As Doggy Nanny always does she had calm words to help momma focus and do what needed to be done. She said "it doesn't matter whos fault it is...what happened? you need to get her to the vet call CPV and get her seen.". Momma then called CPV's after hours number and the lady on the other end of the line was so super sweet and compassionate. She got our information and said the Dogtor would call us back in just a moment. Dr Mcleod called and we told him the situation. He recommended being seen.

Upon arrival they came out to the car and got Poppy and carried her inside momm and I trailed behind. Momma was so worried about Poppy she forgot that she was in her night shirt, house pants and hair up in a messy bun. They put us in exam room 1. They did a full physical. Dr McLeod didn't see any signs of broken bones (she was weight bearing and walking on all 4 legs at the time) or neurological issues. There seemed to be only superficial cuts and scrapes. wow.....god is good! He protected her so much in that moment.
Dr. McLeod did want to ultra sound to ensure no organ damage or internal bleeding so off they went with sissy to the back.
Here is a DRAMATIC re-enactment.
I was comforting momma while we waited for the results.
They brought Poppy back and said the ultrsound looked fine. No sign of internal bleeding and organs looked good. Oh PRAISE THE LORD. They went over signs to watch for such as crying, limping and so forth. They prescribed an antibiotic to make sure no infection set in on the cuts and galiprant for pain relief. We went up front to pay.... I got to sit with the Technition Miss AH and do the billing. Meanwhile Cora was frooing fits cause she wasn't getting mommas attention.
I got escorted to the car and we loaded up. Momma looked up and there was a little butterfly floating around our car. She grabbed her phone and it landed on the building. I know its hard to see but it had little orange spots....just like a little angel who is watching over us. Hi Lucy!!!
We cannot thank Dr McLeod, Tech AH, and CPV staff for the amazing after hours care we received. You all took excellent care of me and put momma at ease in a moment of heartbreak. THANK YOU
On the ride home I kept my leggie elevated.

I watched for squirrels but let a few go without borks.
We unboxed my medications and momma made us meatballs. Best treat evers! and I get 2 meatballs a day for 7 days. SCORE!
While I was enjoying my meatballs....I had the feeling I was being watched.
Huh who me?
Then she started crying.
Cora I am the one who got hurt....let me enjoy my meatballs! But sissy I had to watch it....I deserve meat balls too!!!!
Next on the agenda was rest.
All cuddled up.
Sleeping well!
Note From the Momma: I feel like the worst momma ever. Just took the girls for a drive....it wasn't supposed to end like this. Doggy Nannys calm words helped so much in that moment of panic. I couldn't focus on what I did wrong in that instance...I needed to focus on Poppy and make sure she was ok. She had a guardian angel watching over her and god sure protected her little body from harm. I am so beyond blessed and grateful there was nothing seriously wrong. Praise the Lord for saving my girl! Once I got home and calmed down I realized the date. It was one week away from being the one year anniversary of Lucy falling and getting paralyzed. That hit hard. I could have lost both girls within a year of each other. But she seems to be on the up and up. Shes wanting to rest more but otherwise shes her crazy alley gremlin self.
TW - photos of cuts.
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