If you haven't met them, the PBJ Pack consists of Jax, Pebbles, Bruiser and Benji hailing from Arizona. Are they not the cutest set of puppers you ever did see?!!?!!?
As they were traveling back home from their Dock Diving competition in Missouri they stopped in our city for a meet up.
Daily Dose of Douglas offered to host them while they were passing through and set up a puppy play date!!!! In attendance we have Daily Dose of Douglas (1), PBJ Pack (4), Faith (1) and Life with Lucy n Poppy (2). Thats a total of 8...yes 8 puppers! Literally heaven on earth! As we arrived this is the cloud display.
First we said hello to Douglas. Isn't he dashing in his tie?!!?
I make myself right at home on the cool tile floor as we waited for the PBJ pack to unload.
First PBJ pup we met was Jax. He is a fiesty 2 year old. Momma says after meeting Jax she can see I have calmed down quite a bit and am becoming a mature lady. I am almost 3 ya know.
He took a liking to me and followed me around for a while. Momma said he must have had a little crush on me. Oh momma I'm blushing!
Next we met Faith is Miss Tara's dog. She is a very sweet girl. And I have topknot envy! Look at that bow, the flowing locks, and ear fur!
After that Pebbles.
She is a true fashion pup. She has feather extensions. #hairgoals
Once everyone was secured in the back yard us pups mingled as the hoomans chatted. They talked about trials, competition, adventures and of pups past and present Poppy spent a lot of time in mommas lap. When she got down to get a sip of water she was denied access back in the lap when momma was found holding Benji. Per momma he was the sweetest, most laid back, softest, fluffiest, most adorable, little man she ever did meet. All the mommas were taking turns holding him and deciding who was going to take him home with them. Per Brandi, the PBJ pack mom, Benji is the pup most people threaten to steal when they go visiting.
Once we went back inside Miss Tara got some veggie treats from the tray and was the most popular hooman in the room as she was very generous in sharing.
Douglas was not a fan of squash but the rest of us were and Jax cleaned up any bites Douglas left. BOL
Miss Tara I love you can I have more please!!?!?!??
Lucy played a few rounds of musical chairs....minus the music.
She kept creepin on Mrs Lori's plate and glass of wine. Lucy...you are not of legal age. Paws off the wine.
After snacks the PBJ pack put on a trick show. These are furry talented pups.
Mom Brandi getting everyone set up.
Jax signature move is the hug. First to receive was Bruiser.
AWWWWW! Isn't this precious!
Next was sister Pebbles.
One more for Bruiser.
And one last one for Sister Pebbles.
TREAT TIME!!!!!! Bravo Bravo!
Next was Pebbles turn to do the hugging
TREAT TIME! Everyone had their phones out getting photos.
Lucy never hugs me....she just slaps with with her paws when momma asks her "Where is Poppy?". Hmrph!
Lucy where ya goin?
While all the treats were getting doled out Douglas and I tried to crash their show to earn some treats.
But Miss Cindy nabbed me and Mr Donnie nabbed Douglas.
So I pulled out my signature move and gave kisses!
Then you will never guess what the PBJ pack did next! They can reverse climb up walls. I kid you not!
Momma wan't able to get a pic of it but here is their photo from IG. He is like spider-puppy!
After the show we all stopped by the water dish to get re-hydrated.
Some hoomans were still munching.
Of course we all shadowed them in the event they wanted to share.
And we did score more veggies.
Then it was PLAYTIME! Enjoy!!!!
While they played momma caught me plotting to take over the world....I mean plotting how to be a good girl. Yes thats what I was plotting.
As the evening was turning into night time pups started dropping.

I found a comfy chair...
...then found the cool tile to sploot upon.
Others were finding laps for cuddles.
Then Douglas full out collapsed. He is the epitome of dog tired!!!
His daddy joined him for some cuddles.
We knew the night was done when the youngest puppy of the bunch turned into a limp dishrag. Hard to tell in the photo but his momma is holding his back and his head is flopped backward.
We had to leave before the group photo...something about it was past mommas bedtime and she has go to work tomorrow. But here is the rest of the crew.
Douglas thank you so much for hosting! PBJ Pack, Miss Lori, Miss Tara and Faith it was marvelous to meet you all!!!! Hope we can get together again and play!
Before we go we have an in memory...Mr John Biscari. Momma attended the funeral on the 23rd of September. She said the service was absolutely beautiful and very fitting for a fur-dad like John. Miss Josie and Mr Douglas were also there and even matched outfits. Miss Josie was in a red and white polka dot dress and Douglas a red and white polkadot tie.
Momma got to meet Molly the therapy dogs mom, Faiths Mom and Zoe the Therapy dogs mom. What a lovely group of ladies! Wish they could have met under better circumstances but its great to put faces to the wonderful pages we follow.
Lucy & Poppy