Monday, July 26, 2021

2021-2022 FDA Clinical Study - Visit 1 - July


Friday 7-23-21 I had my first Clinical Study Visit.  It is being hosted by Colonial Park Vet Clinic with Dr. Hoffman.  

Gotta check the pee mail. So many interesting stories!

Lets get inside momma...I gots people to see and kiss!

Patiently waiting.  Momma was furry happy with my manners.

A few moments later we were called back into an exam room.  Just waiting to see Dr. Hoffman.

We got the full run down of how this clinical study will work.  It is a blind study meaning Dr Hoffman will not know if we get the new trial drug or the control drug (one already on the market).  She explained that today we will sign the paperwork, do bloodwork, a heartworm test, and full exam.  It would mean that I would stay at the clinic for about 2 hours.  Then momma would return that afternoon to speak with the Clinical Study Technician.   So momma signed the release forms and I was taken to the back. 

Just before they shut the exam room door momma asked if she could get a photo of the blood tubes for the blog. Momma you are seriously being embarrassing.  However Dr. Hoffman didn't seem shocked.  Ok.  After the blood draw I was put in my own suite in the back and they took the tubes up to momma to photograph.  Since my vaccinations I have gained a pound and a half.  EEK!  

The official photo. 

At pick up we got to talk to the technician running the study.  He let us know if we had the new drug or the control drug.  (Its a secret!).  Gave us a binder and...

...went over all the ins and outs of the study rules.  The green pouch is for pill storage.     

Don't furget momma!!!!

Later that evening we pulled out the pill packets.  We will get 2-3 pills at a time between visits.

Momma opened up one and tried the many administration methods.  (1) Put pill in a bowl and give pet 1 minute to eat.  No.  (2) Offer pill by hand. No.  (3) Offer pill in food. No.   (4) Pill the Pet.  Yes.  I had no other options available. 

I had no adverse reactions to report.  Yipee!!!!  See ya'll again in September.


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