Monday, August 29, 2022

Aunts, Uncles and Babies Oh MY!!!!!

 Sunday was surely a funday!  We got to go to Gracies for the 2nd time in one weekend.  Moments later Net and Teddy arrived.  Momma caught the whole greeting.

Turns out Doggy Nannys son Uncle W and Aunt M were stopping by and bringing baby E for a visit.  We kept an eye out for them.

They are here!

Well Baby E is no longer a baby.  She is a walking talking toddler.  Oh boy she is a happy girl.  Just about as happy with life as I am!!!!   We were leashed at first to ensure every one was able to get inside and calm down.  After a bit momma let me down to play with Baby E.  She petted me and hugged me.  Poppy remained leashed and stayed with momma.  She was too overstimulated but all in all did ok.   She approached Aunt M and just sniffed her.  She also didn't bark when the grownups walked around or came near.  She only borked once when both kids were running.  

We did get a surprise visit from Grandpas daughter Aunt M and her grandson baby D.  He too is a walking talking toddler.  Baby E and Baby D really hit it off and played for quite some time.   I enjoyed following them around.   Baby E learned how to use our doggy door.  She learned quicker than Poppy...BOL!  

Momma said I was a very good girl.  I remained fairly calm and was good with the littles, allowing them to pet and hug me.   Aunt Net even said "man she really enjoyed the kids...maybe she needs a kid of her own".  Momma said NOPE not happening.  LOL  She says we are too much trouble let alone a 2 legged baby in the mix.  BOL



Owies and Allergies

 Well I think fall has arrived here in Wichita Falls.  Momma noticed me licking my left paw again.  She of course had to inspect it and found the underside of my paw was red and irritated again.  None of my other paws are itchy just the left one.  It wasn't near as bad as last year but momma put me back on Apoquel.  I must admit just a couple days on Apoquel and my paw feels better.  (side note: mommas fb memories showed the exact same day last year is when I went to the dogtor for the same issue.)

While at Doggy Nannys momma noticed a little bump on my lip.  It really hasn't bothered me but mommas worried.  She said it has a small raw spot.   Shes keeping a close eye on it.  But will bring it up at my next dogtor visit unless it starts causing problems.  



Bonus Sky Pictures:

Happy Saturday With Gracie

 Momma made plans to see her Aunts and Uncle as well as NB on Saturday.  Of course as previously discussed we were able to stay with Doggy Nanny and Gracie!  Lets go momma!!!!

🎶 On the road again....da da da....on the road again!!!!! ðŸŽ¶

Upon arrival Poppy went straight out on squirrel patrol...while I well...see for your self....

Yep happy doesn't even begin to describe the feeling when I walk in the door at Gracies!!!!

Momma said she had a great 3 hour visit with her Aunts and Uncle.  She learned a lot about her family history.  Unfortunately NB was sick so she didn't get to hang out with him.  However we went home and literally all crashed.  I fell asleep upside down in mommas arm while she rubbed my belly.  Per momma both Poppy and I were snoring so loud she couldn't hear her ipad.  I don't think i snore but whatevers. 


1 Year in Biothane - Collar and Tag Update

 It has been a year since we went biothane only for our collars.  We couldn't be happier.  They clean up so easy, always look nice and the colors are vibrant.  We finally decided on some official tags for our pink/purple set and our yellow set.  We think each tag compliments the collar and collar color furry well.  

Yellow features our Crown and Star rainbow tags.  The crown and star represent our AKC registered names.

Pink/Purple features some artwork that describes our personalities.  Lucy has the rainbow circus poodle.  I have the pink balloon dog with the spike collar.  

We made new phone wallpapers for momma.  I am her home screen.

And I am her lock screen.

We highly recommend biothane collars and if you want to support a fabulous local business CSJ creations on Etsy has a fabulous selection of colors, designs and hardware to make anything you desire.  



National Dog Day

 We made the City of Wichita Falls Employee National Dog Day Flyer!!!



Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Making Progress

 So over the weekend we went to Doggy Nannys house.  We had a blast.  Something cool happened.  When Aunt Net and Teddy were saying goodbye I was sitting in the chair watching for squirrels when Net approached me.  I didn't bork or run.  I just rolled over and took some tummy rubs. I have never in my life let anyone approach me (that wasn't momma or doggy nanny) nor have I ever rolled over on my back and let someone rub my tum tum. Not even momma.   Every one was cheering me on and boy it sure did make me happy.  



Bad Vibes

 Momma this car behind us is giving me bad vibes.  Its full of suspicious peoples.  




 RUN FOR YOUR LIFE ITS A BLANKIE MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Restful Rain

 It cooled off enough that we could turn the ac off and just listen to the rain.  So relaxing!



♫ I Can See Clearly Now.... ♫

 â™« I can see clearly now the headrest is gone... â™«



Squirrel Patrol

 A dogs work is never done.  One must always be on patrol to prevent unwanted tree rats from entering the yard.



Monday, August 22, 2022

Rain and a Pizza Pawty

We have been in a major drought situation with no rain in months.  I can't actually remember the last time we got rain.  We kept getting clouds but never any rain.

After Augusts grooming on the way to Gracieland we saw the sky open up.  From Saturday afternoon, all day Sunday to Monday morning we got a nice steady rain.  

Speaking of post grooming time on Saturday when we arrived Teddy greeted us and we had a blast.  Grandpa said we should order pizza and I whole heartedly seconded that.  I claimed the first spot at the table.

  Doggy Nanny was very generous with treats and pizza bites.  


August Grooming

 Morning Gracie how are ya?  Ready to go get our hair did?

Lets roll momma!


Anyhoo....Hi ho hi ho its off to grooming we go!

My before shot.

And my after shot.

Momma enough pics lets get back to Gracieland!

Yes momma I will cool my jets.

On the way home we got a text that Aunt Net and TEDDY were already there.  OH BOY!  Playtime!!!!

And treat time.  Boy am I hungry!!!



Mommas Been Acting Weird

Yep Mommas Been Acting Weird.  She talks alot on the phone to different people all night long.  Its furry strange.  She has also been "video chatting" with one person.  Super strange.  I tried to stop her by sitting between her face and the phone but it didn't work. Would you believe she told me to move...and said she had more important things to do.  RUDE! 

A couple weekends ago she left us home all alone on a Sunday evening to go to someones house for a "date".  

She came back talking about a meeting a "friend" named NB and giggling about a comedy special they watched that featured puppets.

Momma this odd behavior has to stop.  Weekends are for LUPOP.  Not for dating.

The following weekend she was planning on going to NBs house again and we put our paws down.  We demanded to go to Gracies.  After some tears and finger nibbles Momma agreed it wasn't fair to leave us home alone 2 weekends in a row.  We had a blast playing with Gracie and getting loved on by Doggy Nanny.

Upon return to pick us up momma came clean Doggy Nanny and us that she had been talking to some guys in the hopes of dating.  We really don't understand what this "dating" is or what the point is but we all agreed if momma needs to go out we always come to Doggy Nanny's house.  Momma said it felt good coming clean.  
