Sunday, March 4, 2018

Home Slowed from Work = Surprise Golf Cart Ride

 The Swan dept was furry slow last Sunday and well momma got "home slowed" as they call it.  So momma showed up 3 ½ hours early to pick me up since it was still light out she said we could go golf carting.  As she was taking a pic of me checking some pee mail we had a photo bomber.  It was a little old man.  We said a quick hello and went on our way.

Ahh!  late evening golf cart rides are da best.  And the weather was perfect.  Warm with a light breeze.  Speaking of breezes I do believe everyone in the City View area was cooking out and the air had a great scent of cooked meat!

Down by the church I found a tire to play in.

I found another crawdad, this one looked a lot friendlier.  Alright momma let me up, I ready to cruise.



  1. Oh boy, that looksl ike fun! I loves it when Momma gets home early and we get to have an adventure.

  2. Your golf carting adventures are the best!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley
