Saturday, April 18, 2020

Alert Alert....Rogue Cat...Alert Alert

 One evening after work we were sitting on the porch enjoying the great weather when....

...all heck broke loose!

It was a CAT!

Please note this is not our newly found neighbor cat.  This particular cat is grey and white.  We do have a number of strays that roam the complex but this one momma has spotted sitting on the porch of our other neighbor so its presumed he lives with her and is an indoor out door kitty.

Since our barking didn't scare him off I better go investigate.


I better just investigate from up here first not need to make a rash decision.

Inching closer.  This cat doesn't seem bothered by us whatsoever.  Hmmm.....Interesting.

While Miss Lucy-scare-dee-pants  was doin nothing I got snatched up by momma.  Unable to bork my ferocious bork at this stinky cat.  I kept my eyes on him though.  One day cat....I'll be back for you without this leash.

Lucy and Poppy

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